Playford, John (1623-1686)


Playford, John Musick's delight on the cithren, 1666 Bibliothèque National de France, Paris
(F-Pn) - BnF - [RES VMF-34]
Playford, John Musick's delight on the cithren, 1666 National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
(GB-En) [Ing.37]
RISM 993121909
Playford, John Musick's delight on the cithren. 1666 University of California
(US-LAuc) [MT654 .C58 P43m 1666] (UC)
Playford, John Musick's delight on the cithren. 1666 Library of Congress
(US-Wc) [MT590 .P5] (loc)
Playford, John A brief introduction to the skill of musick in three books, 1666 Biblioteca Nacional de España
(E-Mn) - BNE - [ M/2795 ]
Playford,John /
Campion,Th. /
A brief introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1666 (US-Wc) [MT7 .P71 1666]  
Playford,John /
Campion,Th. /
A brief introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1667 (US-Wc) [MT7.A2 P71]  
Playford, John A brief introduction to the skill of musick, in three books. 1667 (F-Pn) – BnF - [VM8-756]  
Playford, John A brief introduction to the skill of musick, in three books, 1683 (GB-En) [Ing.5]  
Playford, John An introduction to the skill of musick, in two books.
The first contains the grounds and rules of musick,
The second, instructions and lessons both for the basse-viol and treble-violin,
added: The art of descant, 1679
Bibliothèque royale de Belgique
(B-Br) - KBR - [Fétis 5.352 A]
RISM B VI, p. 658
Playford, John An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1672 (US-Wc) [MT7.A2 P716]  
Playford, John An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1674 (US-Wc) [MT7.A2 P72]  
Playford, John An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1679 (US-Wc) [MT7 .P73]  
Playford, John An Introduction To The Skill of Musick, In Three Books, Tenth Edition, ..., Bd.: 1, , London, 1683 Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
(D-Mbs) - BSB - [ 2586 t-1/3#1]
  An Introduction To The Skill of Musick, In Three Books, Tenth Edition, ..., Bd.: 2, , London, 1683 (D-Mbs) - BSB - [ 2586 t-1/3#2]  
  An Introduction To The Skill of Musick, In Three Books, Tenth Edition, ..., Bd.: 3, A Brief Introduction ..., 1683 (D-Mbs) - BSB - [ 2586 t-1/3#3]  
Playford, John An Introduction To The Skill of Musick, In Three Books / Bd.:1 | The Grounds and Rules of Musick, … 1683 (D-Mbs) - BSB - [ 2586 t-1/3]  
  An Introduction To The Skill of Musick, In Three Books / Bd.:2 | Instructions and Lessons both for the Bass-Viol and Treble-Violin, 1683 (D-Mbs) - BSB - [ 2586 t-1/3]  
  An Introduction To The Skill of Musick, In Three Books / Bd.:3 | A Brief Introduction To The Art of Descant, 1683 (D-Mbs) - BSB - [ 2586 t-1/3]  
  An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1683 (US-Wc) [MT7.A2 P74]  
  An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1687 (US-Wc) [MT7 .P745]  
  An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1694 (US-Wc) [MT7.A2 P75]  
Playford, John An Introduction to the skill of musick [1674] 1694 British Library, London
(GB-Lbl) [1042.e.11.(1.)] (BL rec)
--- view & download
Playford, John An introduction to the skill of musick, in three books, 1694 (GB-En) - nls - [Ing.6]  
  An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1697 (US-Wc) [MT7.A2 P76]  
Playford, John An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. By John Palyford. The thirteenth edition; 1697
I. The grounds and principles of musick according to the gamut...
II. Instructions and lessons for the Treble, Tenor, and Bass-Viols; and also for the Treble-Violin.
III. The art of descant, or composing musick in parts;... by ... Mr. Henry Purcell
(B-Br) - KBR - [Fétis 5.490 A] RISM B VI, p. 659
Playford, John An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books; The thirteenth edition; 1697 Nanki Ongaku Bunko, Tokyo
(J-Tn) - nanki - [M-5 (29)]
Playford, John An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books: The fifteenth edition; 1703 (J-Tn) - nanki - [M-1 (26)]  
  An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1703 (US-Wc) [MT7.A2 P78]  
  An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1713 (US-Wc) [MT7.A2 P79]  
  An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1718 (US-Wc) [MT7.A2 P791]  
Playford, John An introduction to the skill of musick in three books, 1724
I. The grounds and principles of musick...,
II. Instructions and lessons for the treble, tenor and bass -viols, and also for the treble -violin,
III. The art of descant...
(E-Mn) - BNE - [ M/2796 ]  
  An introduction to the skill of musick : in three books. 1730 (US-Wc) [MT7.A2 P793]  
Playford, John Select musicall ayres, and dialogues, for one and two voyces, to sing to the theorbo, lute, or basse violl, 1652 Royal College of Music, London
(GB-Lcm) [C48/1]
RISM 993121829
Playford, John The second booke of ayres, containing pastorall dialogues for two voyces, to sing either to the theorbo, harpsicon, or basse violl, 1652 (GB-Lcm) [C48/2]  
Playford, John Select Musicall Ayres and Dialogues, in Three Bookes ... (by J.Wilson, Ch.Colman, H.Lawes, W.Lawes, W.Webb...) 1653 (GB-Lbl) [F.51.b] (BL rec)
---- view & download
RISM 993121829
[Playford, John] Select musicall ayres and dialogues, 1653
in 'Tabley House Song Book' (No.2)
The University of Manchester - John Rylands Library
(GB-Mr) - UML - [English MS 1408]
RISM 993121829
[Playford, John] Select musicall ayres and dialogues, in three bookes. London: T. H., J. Playford, 1653 (J-Tn) - nanki - [N-6 (88)]  
[Playford, John] Chioce ayres, songs, & dialogues. To sing to the theorbo-lute, or bass-viol. 1676-1684 (J-Tn) - nanki - [N-6 (20)]  




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