Simpson, Christopher (1605-1669)



Simpson, Christopher A Compendium Of Practical Musick, In Five Parts: Teaching, by a New, and easie Method, 1. The Rudiments of Song. 2. The Principles of Composition. 3. The Use of Discords. 4. The Form of Figurate Descant. 5. The Contrivance of Canon... 1667 (D-Mbs) - BSB -[ 7199] RISM B VI, 2, S. 784
Simpson, Christopher A compendium of practical musick in five parts : teaching, by a new, and easie method, 1. The rudiments of song. 2. The principles of composition. 3. The use of discords. 4. The form of figurate descant. 5. The contrivance of canon...; 1667 (B-Br) - KBR - [Fétis 5.360 A] (rec/view)
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RISM B VI, p. 784
Simpson, Christopher A compendium : or, Introduction to practical musick in five parts. Teaching, by a new and easie method, 1. The rudiments of song. 2. The principles of composition. 3. The use of discords. 4. The form of figuarate descant. 5. The contrivance of canon. By Christopher Simpson. The fourth edition with additions : much more correct than any former, the examples being put in the most useful cliffs - 1706 (B-Br) - KBR - [Fétis 5.361 A] (rec/view)
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Simpson, Christopher A compendium : or, Introduction to practical music. In five parts. Teaching, by a new and easy method. I. The rudiments of song. II. The principles of composition. III. The use of discords. IV. The form of figurate descant. V. The contrivance of canon. By Christopher Sympson. The eighth edition, with additions : much more correct than any former, the examples being put in the most useful cliffs [...] - 1732 (B-Br) - KBR - [Fétis 5.362 A] (rec/view)
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Sympson, Christopher Compendium, or, Introduction to practical music, The eighth edition, with additions: - 1732 (GB-En) - nls - [Glen.83]
Simpson, Christopher The division-viol, or, The art of playing extempore to a ground., early 18th century (US-LAuc) - UC - [f MS.1962.004]




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