Playford, Henry (1657-1710)


[Playford, Henry] The Alamode Musician Being a new Collection of Songs, Compos'd by some of the most Eminent Masters, & Ingrav'd from the Originalls, with a through Bass for the Harpsichord, or Bass=Violl, and for the easier playing ye Trebles upon the Flute, each Song is transpos'd (where necessary) to a Key proper for that Instrument... 1698   Bibliothèque National de France, Paris
° (F-Pn) [RES F-1152] (mf)
  RISM 993122129
[Playford, Henry] The Alamode Musician. Being a new Collection of Songs ... by some of the most Eminent Masters ... with a through Bass for the Harpsichord, or Bass-Violl, etc. 1698   British Library, London
° (GB-Lbl) [G.91] Rec
---> view
  RISM 993122129

[Playford, Henry] Harmonia Sacra; or Divine Hymns and Dialogues: with a Thorow-Bass for the Theorbo-Lute, Bass-Viol, Harpsichord, or Organ. Composed by the Best Masters of the Last and Present Age. The Words by several Learned and Pious Persons, etc. 1688   British Library, London
° (GB-Lbl) [G.84.(1.)] rec
----> view&download
  RISM 993122043
[Playford, Henry] Harmonia sacra ; or, Divine hymns and dialogues : with a thorow-bass for the theorbo-lute, bass-viol, harpsichord, or organ ... [The first book, the 1st edition] ... / composed by the best masters of the last and present age ; the words by several learned and pious persons. 1688   Royal Academy of Music, London
° (Gb-Lam) [PDF656]
  RISM 993122043
[Playford, Henry]
Purcell, Henry
Harmonia sacra; or, Divine hymns and dialogues: with a thorow-bass for the theorbo-lute, bass-viol, harpsichord, or organ. Composed by the best masters of the last and present age. The words by several learned and pious persons. 1688   Library of Congress, Washington, D.C
° (US-Wc) [M2060.P7 H3 1688]
  RISM 993122043

[Playford, Henry] Harmonia Sacra. The first Book. The 2d Edition ...
Enlarged and Corrected... 1703
  British Library, London
° (GB-Lbl) [G.84.a.(1.)] rec
-----> view&download

Purcell, Henry ; Playford, Henry Harmonia Sacra: OR, DIVINE HYMNS AND DIALOGUES... The First BOOK, 1714   Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
° (D-Mbs) [ 1590]
[Playford, Henry] Harmonia sacra : or, divine hymns and dialogues : with a through-bass for the theorbo-lute, bass-viol, harpsichord, or organ. Composed by the best masters of the last and present age. The words by several... persons. The first book... also four excellent anthems of the late Mr H. Purcell's never before printed... 1714   Bibliothèque National de France, Paris
° (F-Pn) [RES F-1148 (1)] (mf)
[Playford, Henry] Harmonia Sacra: or divine hymns and dialogues: with a through-bass for the theorbo-lute, bass-viol, harpsichord, or organ. Vol. 1.; 1714   Nanki music library, Tokyo
° (J-Tn) [N-6 (44-1)]

[Playford, Henry] Harmonia Sacra ... The Second Book. 1693   British Library, London
° (GB-Lbl) [G.84.(2.)] rec
-----> view&download
  RISM 993122082
[Playford, Henry] Harmonia Sacra ... The Second Book. 1693   (GB-Lbl) [G.84.a.(2.)] rec
-----> view&download
  RISM 993122082

[Playford, Henry] Harmonia Sacra: OR, DIVINE HYMNS AND DIALOGUES, BOOK II, 1714   Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
° (D-Mbs) [2 1590#Beibd.1]
[Playford, Henry] Harmonia Sacra ... Book ii. The 2d Edition very much Enlarg'd and Corrected; Also Three Excellent Anthems, never before Printed, by Mr. Croft ... Dr. Blow, and Mr. J. Clark, etc. 1714   British Library, London
° (GB-Lbl) [G.84.b.(2.)] rec
-----> view&download
[Playford, Henry] Harmonia Sacra: or divine hymns and dialogues: with a through-bass for the theorbo-lute, bass-viol, harpsichord, or organ. Vol. 2.; 1714   Nanki music library, Tokyo
° (J-Tn) [N-6 (44-2)]

[Playford, Henry] Harmonia sacra: or, Divine hymns and dialogues ... Book II. the 3d. edition, etc. 1726   British Library, London
° (GB-Lbl) [G.84.c.(2.)] rec
-----> view&download

[Playford, Henry] [A bound volume containing Playford's Harmonia sacra ... Book 1, 2nd edition (1703) ; Book 2, 1st edition (1693) ; with supplement: Two Divine hymns (1700), each publication catalogued separately] / composed by the best masters of the last and present age ; the words by several learned and pious persons ; [compiled by Henry Playford].
- (each publication catalogued separately)
  Royal Academy of Music, London
° (Gb-Lam) [PDF652]
[Playford, Henry] [A bound volume containing Playford's Harmonia sacra ... Book 1, 2nd edition (1703) ; Book 2, 1st edition (1693) ; with supplement: Two Divine hymns (1700)
- (each publication catalogued separately)
  Royal Academy of Music, London
° (Gb-Lam) [PDF655]

[Playford, Henry] Deliciæ musicæ, Books 1-4, 1657   National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
° (GB-En) [Ing.154(1-4)]
[Playford, Henry] DELICIAE MUSICAE: BEING, A Collection of the newest and best SONGS Sung at Court and at the Publick Theatres, most of them within the Compass of the FLUTE. WITH A Thorow-Bass, for the Theorbo-Lute, Bass-Viol, Harpsichord, or Organ.
The first book, London, 1695
  Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
° (D-Mbs) - BSB - [4 30000-1/4#1]
  RISM 993122110
[Playford, Henry] DELICIAE MUSICAE: BEING, A Collection of the newest and best SONGS..., The second Book, 1695   ° (D-Mbs) - BSB - [4 30000-1/4#2]   RISM 993122111
[Playford, Henry] DELICIAE MUSICAE: BEING, A Collection of the newest and best SONGS..., The Third Book, 1696   ° (D-Mbs) - BSB - [4 30000-1/4#3]   RISM 993122119
[Playford, Henry] DELICIAE MUSICAE: BEING, A Collection of the newest and best SONGS..., The Fourth Book, 1696   ° (D-Mbs) - BSB - [4 30000-1/4#4]   RISM 993122120
[Playford, Henry] Deliciae Musicae: Being a collection of the newest and best songs sung at court and the Publick Theatres. 4 vols. London: H. Playford, 1695-1696   Nanki music library, Tokyo
° (J-Tn) [N-6 (26)]
[Playford, Henry] Deliciæ Musicæ: Being a collection of the newest and best songs sung at court and the Publick Theatres. 6 vols. London: J. Heptinstall, H. Playford, 1695-1696   ° (J-Tn) [N-6 (104)]    
[Playford, Henry] Deliciæ Musicæ: Being a collection of the newest and best songs sung at court and the Publick Theatres. 7 vols. London: J. Heptinstall, H. Playford, 1695-1696   ° (J-Tn)[N-6 (103)]    

[Playford, Henry] The Theater of music
Or, a Choice collection of the newest and best songs sung at the court, and public theaters. The words composed by the most ingenious wits of the age, and set to music by the greatest masters in that science; with a theorbo-bass to each song for the theorbo, or bass-viol, also symphonies and ritornels in 3 parts several of them for the violins and flutes. The first book, 1685
  University of North Texas, Denton
° (US-DN) [metadc463625]
  RISM 993122027

[Playford, Henry] The New Treasury of Musick: or, a Collection of the Choicest and Best Song-Books for these Twenty Years last part. .... With a Thorow-Bass to most Songs, for the Theorbo, Lute or Bass-Viol, Harpsichord or Spinnet. 1695   British Library, London
° [GB-Lbl) - BL - [G.87] rec
-----> view&download
  RISM 993122104









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