Blow, John (1649-1708)


Blow, John Amphion anglicus. A work of many compositions for one, two three and four voices with several accompagnements of instrumental musick and a thorow-bass to each song : figur'd for an organ, harpsichord, or theorboe-lute..., 1700   Bibliothèque royale de Belgique
° (B-Br) [Fétis 2.345 C] rec/view
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  RISM A/I B 2985
Blow, John Amphion Anglicus, 1700   Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
° (D-Mbs) [4 65927]
Blow, John Amphion anglicus, 1700   Bibliothèque National de France, Paris
° (F-Pn) [VM7-2301]
Blow, John Amphion Anglicus, 1700   Bibliothèque municipale de Toulouse
° (F-TLm) [Res. Mus. B 500]
Blow, John Amphion Ânglicus, 1700   British Library, London
° (GB-Lbl) [G.106] rec
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Blow, John Amphion Anglicus, 1700   Università di Pavia, Cremona
° (I-CRsp) [dunning_007.pdf]
Blow, John Amphion Anglicus... 1700   University of Washington, Seattle, WA
° (US-Su) [M1490.B46 A5 1700]
Blow, John A Third Collection of New Songs, never Printed before. The Words by Mr. D'Urfey. Set to Music by the best Masters in that Science, viz. Dr. John Blow. Mr. Henry Purcell. Senior Baptist [i.e. G.B. Draghi]. Mr. Courtiville. Mr. William Turner. Mr. Thomas Farmer. Mr. John Lenton. Mr. Samuel Akeroyd. With Thorow-Basses for the Theorbo, and Bass-Viol. 1685   British Library, London
° (GB-Lbl) [G.152.(2.)] rec
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  RISM 993122028






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