Morley, Thomas (1557c-1602)


Morley, Thomas Canzonets, or little short songs to three voyces., 1593 (J-Tn) - nanki - [N-5 (22)] RISM A/I: M 3691
Morley, Thomas The first booke of ayres, 1600 (US-Ws) - FSL - [STC 18115.5]
(only Song 1-14)
RISM A/I: M 3711
Morley, Thomas The first booke of consort lessons, : made by divers exquisite authors, for size instruments to play together: viz, the treble lute, the pandora, the citterne, the base-violl, the flute, and the treble-violl. 1611 Royal College of Music, London
(GB-Lcm) [B102]
Morley, Thomas A Plaine and easie introduction to practicall musicke, set downe in forme of a dialogue devided into three partes... 1597 (F-Pn) [RES-857]  
Morley, Thomas A plaine and easie introduction to practicall musicke. 1597 (J-Tn) - nanki - [M-03 (11-1)]  
Morley, Thomas A plaine and easie introduction to practicall musicke, ... 1597 (US-R) - UR - [MT6 .M864]  
Morley, Thomas A plaine and easie introdvction to practicall mvsicke, ... 1608 (US-R) - UR - [MT 6 .M864.2]  
Morley, Thomas A Plain and easy introduction to practical musicke. Reprint 1771 (J-Tn) - nanki - [M-02 (21)]  
Morley, Thomas A Plain and easy introduction to practical music, 1771 (US-DN) - UNT - [MT6.A2 M84 1771]  






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