BEING, A Collection of the newest and best SONGS Sung at Court and at the Publick Theatres, most of them within the Compass of the FLUTE.

WITH A Thorow-Bass, for the Theorbo-Lute, Bass-Viol, Harpsichord, or Organ. Composed by several of the Best Masters,

1695-1696, LONDON, Printed by J. Heptinstall for Henry Playford


[Playford, Henry] DELICIAE MUSICAE: BEING, A Collection of the newest and best SONGS..., The first book, London, 1695 (D-Mbs) - BSB - [4 30000-1/4#1]
  DELICIAE MUSICAE: BEING, A Collection of the newest and best SONGS..., The second Book, 1695 (D-Mbs) - BSB - [4 30000-1/4#2]
  DELICIAE MUSICAE: BEING, A Collection of the newest and best SONGS..., The Third Book, 1696 (D-Mbs) - BSB - [4 30000-1/4#3]
  DELICIAE MUSICAE: BEING, A Collection of the newest and best SONGS..., The Fourth Book, 1696 (D-Mbs) - BSB - [4 30000-1/4#4]
[Playford, Henry] Deliciæ musicæ, Books 1-4, 1657 (GB-En) - nls - [Ing.154(1-4)]
[Playford, Henry] Deliciae Musicae: Being a collection of the newest and best songs sung at court and the Publick Theatres. 4 vols. London: H. Playford, 1695-1696 (Thed First Volume Compleat) (J-Tn) - nanki - [N-6 (26)]
  Deliciæ Musicæ: Being a collection of the newest and best songs sung at court and the Publick Theatres. 7 vols. London: J. Heptinstall, H. Playford, 1695-1696 (Vo-1.Book 2,4,4 - Vol- 2.Book 1-2) (J-Tn) - nanki - [N-6 (103)]
  Deliciæ Musicæ: Being a collection of the newest and best songs sung at court and the Publick Theatres. 6 vols. London: J. Heptinstall, H. Playford, 1695-1696 (Vol-1.Book 1-4 - Vol-2.Book 1-2) (J-Tn) - nanki - [N-6 (104)]




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